Cheery Cherry Blossoms Photo

I know… I know… it’s a little early for spring. But I noticed someone was looking around the site for this cheerful cherry blossoms photo and I thought I’d add it back real quick. So here ya go.

I have this one in my “maybe I’ll try painting it” folder, so it was handy. 🙂

Don’t be fooled… there is not yet a single cherry blossom blooming anywhere near my yard right now. This photo is from one happy, sunny spring day many, many years ago, probably not many months after my first photography class. I always have liked the very saturated colors!

(If you use this for something, please only use it to bring positivity to the world. You may credit me by linking to if at all possible, and leave my site URL in the image. Please DO ATTEMPT PAINTING IT! I have not been brave enough to yet. If you do paint it, pleeeease send it to me and let me see! Just use my contact form and tell me you painted it, I promise I will write back.)
